Magnetic signage is an innovative and cost efficient way to promote or advertise your business. Take advantage of rush hour traffic to get your name out there. Turn parking your car into a marketing opportunity. Make sure the neighbors know who did that contracting job every time you show up to a work site. Everywhere your car goes, so does your magnetic sign, announcing to the world that you’re ready for business. The flexibility that magnetic signs offer is unique. You’re proud of your business and the work that you do, but sometimes you just want to fly under the radar. It’s completely understandable that you want your car to be YOUR car, and not just the company vehicle. That’s what magnetic signs were made for: so you can choose when to be “on”. Tack the magnet onto your car while you’re on duty and peel it off once you’re done with your day.
Our magnetic signs have an ultra-strong pull so that it won’t fly off on the freeway. These high quality 30 mil magnets are waterproof and will stand up to the elements. We always print in waterproof UV-cured inks so that your message will last for years. Whether you’ve got a tiny two-seater or a towering truck, we can make you a sign that fits the size of your car. We can easily cut your product into ANY shape you desire using our cutting edge contour cut system.
Color: Printed full color on one side. Prices include printing to the edge (with bleed).
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